Retreat yourself…
I’ve just arrived home from Fiji.

Where do I start? I was privileged to attend the Sacred Marks Bali retreat in 2018. Even before the retreat begins, the build up, the months of anticipation and excitement leading up to the retreat lifts your spirits as you know you have done something special for yourself.
As you tell people about it, and they say "Wow! You're going on your own?", I felt brave and empowered. Then there are some self doubts as you question yourself "What if I can't do it, what if I'm not as good as the others... etc." And then you arrive! The sense of belonging to something special is immediate; the buzz and excitement of meeting everyone, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of a foreign environment, and realising that we are all have this amazing thing in common - we all want to nurture our creativity together.
Everyone was so supportive of each other, it was a place I felt I was free to be me, with no judgement. And it was a place that I wept with delight as somewhere deep inside I remembered that I am a being that is meant to be creative. The combination of the environment, the music in the background, the sisterhood, the spontaneous singing and dancing, the laughs, the food, and most of all, a wonderfully gentle, inclusive style of teaching by a very talented facilitator all combined to make this an incredibly empowering and nurturing experience - thank you Tracy Verdugo!

How beautiful.
What a great place to be….even from the mere pictures you posted one can tell the good vibes, serenity and the sisterhood between all of you. It makes me craving for a gathering like this…….. thank you, dear Tracy, you are really blessed. When you are were singing during the time of the sundown, whilst being in the ocean, took my breath away sincd, as you know, I am singing in a choire which doubled my longing to participate……..wishing you a prosperous time and lots of time for relaxation although I know you that you will be off soon for another teaching session that will be for sure, inspite of the work you do, another kind of relaxation for your soul!
Sending you lots of good vibes, Renate from the other side of this planet
Tracy and Annette – no one could have said it better! I was priveliged to have been in that retreat and it has given me so much more than I could have imagined ( and I have lot of imagination!) Grateful. Namaste!
Tracy and Annette – no one could have said it better! I was priveliged to have been in that retreat and it has given me so much more than I could have imagined ( and I have lot of imagination!) Grateful. Namaste!
Hey Tracy,
When are we doing this in Huskisson????
Just a suggestion!!
“”It made my heart so happy! “” It did this for me also. How I enjoyed reading this , I am thinking maybe one day I might be able to do this too. What a wonderful time you all had, the photos were so lovely you were all so happy in sharing such a wonderful experience. it made feel so good at the thought of what it would be like to go to one of your retreats Tracy. To meet wonderful new people such as yourself and to learn how to find my MOJO!! How I have always wanted to do something like this and time is getting away from me so fast. I wish I had had the chance to do this when younger and I think you are all so brave to go off and do it. I have had so much pleasure tonight reading all of this. thank you for sharing. Isabel.
Hi Tracey my darling. Well- silly to ask how u are even though I know and can see how fabulous u are!! Elk done/ that takes time and effort and discipline to stop and assess really doesn’t it! Loved the relaxation stories.
Must check your insta again to see you latest work. I’m not assuming for one second that I’m in that category but if u ever run a retreat and wish for a compliment workshop to be added jn I would love to discourse this. (Mark making and abstract shape mixed media or more athereal materials in monotone for those that are after producing Many small 100s type pieces…. will you let me know please. Have created a couple of these over the last few months and am just finishing the trial “taster”, mixed media starts in May. I am finding the need for a more grocery money (being independent and requiring money is not a dirty word inkeep telling jyself! ) and while I am an open book to any techniques I have learned from others along the way- I feel it is important to share them. If people are laying u, go hard! Open the flood gates!
Anyway, I think you are amazing, hope yr health is still a forward moving . Big hugs xx janey