Two different arty adventures with our furry, fuzzy, feathered, finned, funny friends!

In my Animalitos and Animal Antics classes I bring you 11 fun and fabulous video tutorials to spark your creativity, activate your imagination, and give you the tools to make brave and unique moves with your art!

Each class contains a variety of different tutorials and you can purchase the classes separately or save by purchasing together!

Do you find yourself getting too serious with your art?

  • Want to loosen up and have fun drawing and painting cute and quirky animals without worrying about the final product?
  • Are you ready to learn to paint pooches with personality, kitties with charisma, ellies with a little je ne sais quoi?
  • If you’re looking for a fun class to help you become a more relaxed artist, to help you see the possibilities even in the ones that don’t work out, this one is for you!


I’m so excited to present my mini mojo series with an intention for you to expand your creative heart in a "no pressure" way. In my first mini mojo class, Animalitos, we play with a variety of fun techniques to bring the crazy critters of the world to life on your canvas.

Animalitos~ For just $65 you will receive approx 5 hours of video (plus additional notes) covering six diverse projects including elephants, kittys (big and small!) and a menagerie of inky animalitos inspired by the collections in our home.



In Animal Antics we take up where we left off with my previous Animalitos class! This time we’ll explore creating more cute animals from pandas to deer, owls to elephants using techniques from continuous line drawing, charcoal sketches, collage, acrylic inks and more! This class was first offered on Jeanne Oliver’s creative network in 2017.

Animal Antics~ I couldn’t stop at just one animal inspired class so in this one I share another 4 hours of video (plus additional notes) covering five diverse projects including fast and freeing warm ups, a cute collection of collaged creatures, a gorgeous gathering of inky animals, a sunbaking panda and a sweet and gentle deer. All of this for $65!

What will you be creating?


Animal Antics

“I had so much fun playing! Thank you Tracy Verdugo for helping me out of my comfort zone! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the process.”

- Norma Cherry

Purchase together for just $97!

What's inside Animalitos?

Lesson one

Time to play, warm up, experiment and have fun with acrylic inks and markers. I’ll take you through my own process of laying down subtle washes of ink with no fixed idea of outcome, embracing the messy bits and the accidents along the way and showing you how to pull it all together to make a loose, fun, character filled warm up painting!

Lesson two

Let’s have a lesson with one of my favourite animals, the majestic elephant! Once again we’ll have fun with acrylic inks, pencil and markers, this time sticking to a limited palette and exploring the differences between Asian and African elephants. We’ll keep it loose and fluid, learn how to vary tones through the application of washes and keep a childlike freedom in our line work and ink application.

Remember no self judgement allowed! Look at my wonky little elephants! This is purely an exercise in getting to know how an elephant looks and how to begin to use those inks!!

Lesson three

Now that we’ve familiarised ourselves with the amazing creatures, let’s take our elephant exploration one step further, adding in color, pattern and texture in this vibrant mixed media lesson! You’ll learn to layer with mark making and collage and how to integrate the layers with beautiful glazes and washes of color. Finally we’ll tackle composition through negative shape painting to end up with a majestic and festive ellie painting on canvas or board!

Lesson four

In this lesson we stretch ourselves by painting on alternative substrates (I’m using a torn piece of cardboard box) and either an image of your choosing or paint along with my photo of this gorgeous tiger from Taronga Park Zoo Sydney. Using various markers, inks and other drawing tools we’ll work quickly and without self censoring, open to making marks and losing them again, having any corrections become a part of the unfolding story of this piece.

Lesson five

In this fun lesson we start with one thing and end up with another! Is it a garden in the kitty or a kitty in the garden? What happens when we start with a dark background instead of a light one and how do we learn to become not only comfortable with changing direction, but excited about the possibilities that can bring?

Lesson six

Our last little lesson is all about using your intuition AND any bits and pieces of discarded art attempts you may have lying around. It’s about using your imagination and trusting that you can be free to explore without everything having to become something amazing! Sometimes our greatest growth can be in our willingness to try things out, make mistakes and learn whatever we need from them to stretch us in the next project!

What’s inside Animal Antics?

Here's what I want you to know...

When you take a class with me it’s not even just about the art. It’s about the whole shebang – Art as a metaphor for life. It’s about loosening up, enjoying the process, not taking ourselves too seriously and staying in the moment!

It’s about focusing in on the sweet spots instead of dwelling on what’s not working, giving ourselves permission to play and exploring possibilities with curiosity rather than fear.

Together we will play with a variety of fun techniques to bring some cute critters to life on your canvas. The videos will be yours to keep forever and I have also provided some helpful notes and prompts to compliment each tutorial.

I am a HUGE advocate for the wonderful, unique gifts we all bring to the table and my biggest desire is to help you rediscover and bring forth your own creative voice. Can’t wait to see your amazing animals emerge!

In these fun and funky workshops it’s all about our furry and feathered friends, all creatures great and small.

I adore the beautiful creatures we share this planet with and I know you do too! See you in class!

Tracy <3

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”

- Anatole France

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplies do I need?

We don't want you stressing too much about the supplies for this course. Many lessons can be adapted to be worked with whatever you have at hand. That being said, here are a few things Tracy uses throughout these lessons:

ANIMALITOS: Acrylic paints, fluid and heavy bodied, oil, collage elements, pencils, charcoal, acrylic inks, gel pens, oil pastels, paint pens, canvas and wood substrates and watercolour papers.

ANIMAL ANTICS: Soft charcoal, cartridge paper or any cheap sketch paper, kneadable eraser, soft pastels, blending stump, felt markers and gel pens, student oil pastels, brown craft paper, matte medium or other gel medium, water color paper, mark making tools from the garden or around the house, white gesso or white heavy bodied acrylic paint, several wide flat wash brushes, Daler Rowney acrylic artists inksgolden fluid acrylics.

Notes for each project will include suggested brands and types of supplies used.

How long do I have access to this course?

You can purchase these classes at any point in time as a self-paced class. Once purchased, all lessons will be yours forever! The videos are downloadable for offline browsing or you can stream via our class website.

Are there captions/subtitles?

We suggest using Chrome to view these videos if you wish to view captions or translate them into another language. There are live caption and live translation settings automatically built into Chrome.

For a full tutorial on how to do this, here's a video!

Are there captions/subtitles?

Yes! The videos in this online course currently have English captions and Spanish subtitles.

We suggest using Chrome to view these videos if you wish to view captions or translate them into another language. There are live caption and live translation settings automatically built into Chrome.

For a full tutorial on how to do this, here's a video!

Is this course suitable for any level?

Absolutely!! I have been teaching my in person and online classes around the world for the past nine years! Both beginners and more experienced painters have enjoyed epiphanies in creative process, shifted perspectives and enjoyed learning new techniques. Mostly though I have come to realize that what I am teaching is about how to see the creative possibilities inherent in every moment and then to learn ways to process and translate those moments in our own artistic voice….AND to FREE UP and not be STUCK!!

Can I exhibit or sell the work I create in this workshop?

One of the main intentions in my courses is to help you find ways to connect with a style all of your own. So, with this in mind, I’m happy for you to show and sell original, innovative work created. If, however, you feel that you want to follow along more closely and produce pieces very similar to those within the projects that is all good, but I would ask that you don’t put those pieces out to exhibit or sell if they are close copies of my work. I trust that your heart will tell you what is too close. We also ask that you understand that these are Tracy's copyrighted techniques and may not be taught or packaged as a class by any individual other than Tracy without express consent. ♥

Can I get a refund?

We're happy to offer a 7 day change of mind policy if you have not yet logged into your account. Login details for this class are sent automatically after purchase. As all the lessons are downloadable, we are unable to offer refunds on purchases if you have already logged into your account. Please ensure this class is for you before purchase, any questions before committing can be directed to [email protected] 🙂

Example student works ~

“I'm SO glad I enrolled in the class last year! Tracy's painting exercises, techniques, composition advice, personal flair, open sharing of her secret methods, recommendations of materials and energetic presence in her online groups made it a fun, transformative experience.  I rarely feel stuck anymore because there is always something I can try, and my art is selling.  DO it!”

- Vanessa Preston