Are you ready to find your mojo and make your mark?

Are you looking for a way to express your own unique creative voice?
- Yearning to find a way to creatively “loosen up”?
- Tired of tossing your “failures” in the bin?
- Wondering if you don't have the talent?
Unleash your creative potential and find a brand new confidence to take your art to a whole new level!

How to let go, how to get your mojo flowing and confidently create paintings that you’ll love to hang on the wall, give to a friend… or sell!
It was the year 2000...

I was 33, a mama of two beautiful girls, and our youngest Cece had just begun attending preschool one day a week-Wednesday. I opened our local paper and a small article about a weekly Wednesday morning art class jumped off the page. It had been at least 6 years since I’d done anything just for me and although my heart was racing with both excitement and fear I made the call and there was a spot in the class for me.
My teacher was a beautiful artist named Chere Le Page and oh how she opened up a world of possibilities for me! I am forever grateful for her encouragement and the diversity of approaches and techniques she taught us.
Around two weeks into my weekly class I had a massive epiphany!
Everything I’d thought about art my whole life was false! It wasn't just a gift that the lucky few were born with. It was a skill, and a gift, and a birthright, that we all could access if only we put in the practice and got out of our own way.
I immediately began to gather the neighbourhood kids on a Wednesday afternoon and teach them everything I had learned that day, translated into kid friendly lessons. In turn those beautiful kids, over 12 years of after school classes, taught ME the value of spontaneity and play, imagination and possibility. Together we learned to embrace the happy accident and our creative confidence spilled over into all other areas of our lives.
In 2012 I resigned from my job in special ed, taught my last kids art class and ventured out into the world to bring the same zest and love for creativity to adults around the world.
Since 2012 I’ve reached around 100,000 students with my online classes, my in person workshops and retreats, articles and tutorials in many art magazines and my book Paint Mojo. My mission is to reach a million and to help launch a creative revolution in a time where our world truly needs it.
This E-Course was my first, created with passion and a desire to change lives in all the best ways.
Here’s the thing…
I LOVE to be in the same heart/mind space as my students. My workshops are never rehearsed or planned to the last detail. I am ALWAYS open to heading off in brand new directions and these videos will show that.
Although in each one I do start off with a general idea of the project that will go with the weekly theme I have not rehearsed or tested the project beforehand in any case.
This is so EXCITING as you will be right there with me as I make a new discovery OR change direction OR create a little side project from my leftover paint that will reappear in a later week. You will be right there as I make a mistake or LOVE what I am doing or decide I DON’T like what I am doing, or get a bit frustrated or stick my brush in my coffee.
In essence you will be there with me in my slightly messy, definitely not “styled” creative space and together we will move forward and get stuck and make messes and beauty all at the same time.
Are you READY to let go of any preconceived notions and trust, to find your mojo and make your mark?
You'll come out of this class with dozens of new works you can be proud of, and ideas to spark hundreds more...

I'm excited to share tips, techniques, epiphanies and breakthroughs with you!
I will be your gentle guide, your chief encourager, show you how to loosen up, how to create art you feel super confident about.
I will help you shine!

Paint Mojo was my first ever 6-week online course that I created just for you!
I invite you to join me on this abstract adventure across 6 different units and over 30 different lessons.
What will you be creating?
Here are just some of the lessons!
What's Included
Lessons are yours forever...
Enjoy access 24/7 to all the tutorials. You even have the option to download the videos for offline access.
Over 30 video tutorials...
With over 30 different lessons, Paint Mojo will surely have you thriving in your art studio for much longer than 6 weeks!
Personal stories and lessons...
Enjoy personal stories and life lessons that will give you a feeling of being virtually mentored through the course.
Frequently Asked Questions
What supplies do I need?
Watercolour paper pad, sketchbook, canvases, oil pastels, soft pastels (including white), assorted inks, transparency film sheets or a piece of glass for monoprints, acrylic paints, bamboo skewers, twigs or any mark making materials, various brushes (one small detail, one wide flat 1″ wash brush, medium watercolour brush, one foam brush), soft brayer, patterned napkins, gel medium, scratch foam board, rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol, kneadable eraser, white and black charcoal pencils, white gel pen, black uniball vision elite pen, willow charcoal and regular charcoal, lead pencils, watercolour pencils, spray bottle with water, gesso, builders caulking or modelling paste, old books for collage.
Please note that this E-Course will be very much about spontaneity and exploration. I care very little about brands and brushes and I am just as likely to use my fingers or a twig as I am a brush. I encourage my students to do the same and use the tools they have on hand to experiment and explore. I am a distracted artist, delighting in curiosity and wonder and more carried away by creative possibilities than washing brushes so I buy the cheapest firmest brushes I can. I am infinitely more concerned with expressive, intuitive mark making than precise brush marks.
How long do I have access to this course?
This class is a self-paced class. Once purchased, all lessons will be yours forever! The videos are downloadable for offline browsing or you can stream via our class website.
Are there captions/subtitles?
We suggest using Chrome to view these videos if you wish to view captions or translate them into another language. There are live caption and live translation settings automatically built into Chrome.
For a full tutorial on how to do this, here's a video!
Is this course suitable for any level?
Absolutely!! I have been teaching my in person and online classes around the world for the past six years! Both beginners and more experienced painters have enjoyed epiphanies in creative process, shifted perspectives and enjoyed learning new techniques. Mostly though I have come to realize that what I am teaching is about how to see the creative possibilities inherent in every moment and then to learn ways to process and translate those moments in our own artistic voice….AND to FREE UP and not be STUCK!!
Is this course different to your in person workshop and/or the projects in your book?
All of Tracy’s online classes are unique and completely different from one another. This course is both for artists who feel stuck in their practice and for those starting out. Tracy's aim is to provide inspiration and possibility thinking for all creatives!
Can I exhibit or sell the work I create in this workshop?
One of the main intentions in my courses is to help you find ways to connect with a style all of your own. So, with this in mind, I’m happy for you to show and sell original, innovative work created. If, however, you feel that you want to follow along more closely and produce pieces very similar to those within the projects that is all good, but I would ask that you don’t put those pieces out to exhibit or sell if they are close copies of my work. I trust that your heart will tell you what is too close. We also ask that you understand that these are Tracy's copyrighted techniques and may not be taught or packaged as a class by any individual other than Tracy without express consent. ♥
Can I have a refund?
We're happy to offer a 7 day change of mind policy if you have not yet logged into your account. Login details for this class are sent automatically after purchase. As all the lessons are downloadable, we are unable to offer refunds on purchases if you have already logged into your account. Please ensure this class is for you before purchase, any questions before committing can be directed to [email protected] ????
Example student works~