Since Covid restrictions began in April 2020...

We have been helping approx 400 families in Siem Reap, Cambodia, facing a severe Covid-19 induced hunger crisis. These families are all associated with my dear friend Ana Margaridas Butterfly Schools, both in Siem Reap City and out in the surrounding countryside.

My daughter Cece and I first visited Cambodia in ealy 2018 to volunteer for several weeks at Ana’s school. We had been to third world countries before but the level of poverty and the inequity here was more than we had ever witnessed.

Since that time I have returned in early 2020, facilitating an art retreat in which we painted, explored the rich history of this beautiful country and spent time in community. My students tell me the experience changed them for life. 

Each month I send wages for two of the teachers in the village schools and there is a small team of other loyal helpers that manage to keep the schools going and give these kids a chance to better their lives. 

On top of this several generous sponsors have helped us to build four new homes, complete major fixes on several other homes so families can sleep at night without being rained on, provided bicycles for 100 children in remote areas to enable kids to get to school, and built a toilet block for Piset’s school in the countryside!

Along the way we have also installed water pumps, paid for the funerals of a young widows husbands, and provided food hampers for them and their children for months, and built a toilet block in Nouys mothers village where most of the families use the forest as their bathroom.

I couldn't have done this without the help of my generous community of kind, creative friends. 

The campaign to raise funds is ongoing and there will always be families to help with food and other projects which can change lives. 

So far we have raised enough funds to send around 120,000 kg rice to these families since Covid began. My mind is reeling with the enormity of what a small group of caring people can achieve and my heart is full with the certainty that most humans are kind and want the best for others. Please, please, please if you are unable to contribute financially know that I understand that and your energy of compassion is also valuable in this big ‘ol connected Universe!

The rice distribution and other projects have been overseen and facilitated by my wonderful friends and Butterfly School teachers, Piset Momk, Sun Seu and Nouy Kh who have all done the most amazing job of purchasing, repackaging and distributing the rice to those families who need it most each month.

If at any time you would like to donate you can do so via this GoFundMe Page. One 50kg bag of rice is $35 USD (approx $50 Australian) and will feed two families for a month. Please note that the site is in Australian dollars. 

If you are interested in a larger project please email me at [email protected]

Building a house is around $3000USD, a two toilet block $800USD and a water pump installed in the remote villages $1000. 

Thanks in advance for any help you are able to give and big love out to you all!
